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Grade: 8 - 13
Term: not selected
Partner: not selected
In this online course students explore the organization of the human body and how it works. They will acquire knowledge necessary to understand what the body is doing and how they can help the body cope with many different situations. Body systems will be studied in order to understand how their structure, location, and function allow for interaction with other body parts.
This course presents topics, such as immunity, reproduction, cardiovascular health, and musculoskeletal functions, using 21st-century content, graphics, interactives, and videos. Students will be inspired by real-world phenomena about health topics and career connections opportunities from entry-level positions to the doctoral level. In each module of Anatomy and Physiology, students explore the organization of the human body and how each organ and body system functions and interacts. Students acquire the knowledge necessary to understand the body's internal functions and interconnections and what is necessary to maintain overall health and wellness.
Students are strongly recommended to study on average 4 hours per week.
course code: FLVS_ANATOMY
course length: 2 semesters
course fee: 567,- EUR / 13 500,- Kč
grade: 8 - 13
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
Explore the structure, function, diversity, and evolution of living matter by taking an in-depth look at the fundamental characteristics of living organisms. You will have the opportunity to perform hands-on lab activities and develop relationships through collaborative learning. This course prepares students to study AP Biology in the next school year. Students are strongly recommended to study 5 - 6 hours per week.
course code: FLVS_BIO
course length: 2 semesters
course fee: 567,- EUR / 13 500,- Kč
grade: 8 - 13
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
Walk in the footsteps of Newton and Leibnitz! An interactive text and graphing software combine with the exciting on-line course delivery to make Calculus an adventure. This course includes a study of limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration of algebraic, trigonometric and transcendental functions, and the applications of derivatives and integrals. Students are strongly recommended to study 5 - 6 hours per week.
course code: FLVS_CALC
course length: 2 semesters
course fee: 567,- EUR / 13 500,- Kč
grade: 8 - 13
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
Foundations of Programming will teach students the fundamentals of programming using the computer language Python. The course provides students with the concepts, techniques, and processes associated with computer programming and software development. Students will also explore the many programming career opportunities available in this high-demand field.
Students are strongly recommended to study on average 3 hours per week.
course code: FLVS_FPROGRAM
course length: 2 semesters
course fee: 567,- EUR / 13 500,- Kč
grade: 8 - 13
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
This online course is designed to serve as a foundation for the study of Chemistry. The utilization of scientific inquiry, web 2.0 tools, interactive experiences, higher order thinking, collaborative projects, real world application through labs and a variety of assessments all aid the student in ultimately demonstrating a vast understanding of the importance of Chemistry in the world around them; enabling them to apply these properties to their everyday lives.
Students are strongly recommended to study 6 - 10 hours per week
course code: FLVS_HCHEM
course length: 2 semesters
course fee: 567,- EUR / 13 500,- Kč
grade: 8 - 13
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
This course provides an overview of international relations. Students will analyze interactions among countries, learning different ways to explain why countries act as they do. Main topics include states, nations, war, peace, trade, alliances, international organizations, non-state groups, and globalization. This course will introduce students to the terms and methods political scientists use when studying international relations and assumes they will have survey-level knowledge of world history. Students are strongly recommended to study 3 - 4 hours per week.
course code: UNHS_INTREL
course length: 1 semestr
course fee: 524,- EUR / 12 480,- Kč
grade: 8 - 13
partner: University of Nebraska High School
This online course will introduce students to the world of cinema and film. The course will define film as an art, explain how films tells stories, discuss the mechanics of making an effective film, summarize the different genres of film, and discuss how films have changed over the years. Students are strongly recommended to study 3 - 4 hours per week.
course code: UNHS_FILM
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 524,- EUR / 12 480,- Kč
grade: 8 - 13
partner: University of Nebraska High School
Procedural Programming(ProP) teaches advanced programming concepts using the computer language Python. You will learn techniques and processes associated with computer programming and software development. This course continues the study of computer programming concepts with a focus on the creation of software applications employing procedural programming techniques. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 3 hours per week.
PREREQUISITES: Foundations of Programming (recommended)
course length: 2 semestry
course fee: 567,- EUR / 13 500,- Kč
grade: 8 - 13
partner: FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global
This online course introduces multicultural studies through the investigation of the physical and human geography, history, and cultures of the continents of North America, South America, and Europe (including Russia). Through this course students will develop an understanding of the interactions between geography and culture that have influenced the lifestyles and challenges faced by various culture groups throughout these regions. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 3 hours per week.
course code: UNHS_WCULT1
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 524,- EUR / 12 480,- Kč
grade: 8 - 13
partner: University of Nebraska High School
This online course introduces multicultural studies through the investigation of the physical and human geography, history, and cultures of the continents of Africa, Asia, Australia, and Oceania. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 3 hours per week.
course code: UNHS_WCULT2
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 524,- EUR / 12 480,- Kč
grade: 8 - 13
partner: University of Nebraska High School
Geography allows people to find the answers to their questions about the world and understand the links between people and places. While studying about physical and human geography of the United States, Canada, Latin America, and Africa, students will explore the relationships between people and their physical environment, and analyze the interactions between the culture and geography of selected regions. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 3 hours per week.
course code: UNHS_WGEO1
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 524,- EUR / 12 480,- Kč
grade: 8 - 13
partner: University of Nebraska High School
This course focuses on the people, places, physical features, and unique characteristics of Europe, Asia, Australia, the island nations of the Pacific, and Antarctica. Students will learn valuable information about the world we inhabit today. Students will learn that Geography is not just the study of our physical world, but also the study of interactions between humans, their land, natural resources, weather, and ecosystems. Students are strongly recommended to study on average 3 hours per week.
course code: UNHS_WGEO2
course length: 1 semester
course fee: 524,- EUR / 12 480,- Kč
grade: 8 - 13
partner: University of Nebraska High School
CTM - Centrum pro talentovanou mládež, z.s. nezisková organizace
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