Engage your school in a modern online education program
With CTM Online, schools are able to build individual study plans, include CTM Online as electives, or create CTM Online study groups for talented students.
CTM offers an opportunity for world class education using Advanced Placement (AP) courses and exams for qualified students in public schools where English is a foreign language. It is the only opportunity available for talented and hardworking students to enroll in an academic program recognized internationally. The only other opportunity, the International Baccalaureate (IB), is available only to students in elite private schools.
CTM Online individualizes learning. It helps schools build individual study plans for their best students, expand school curricula, create study groups; all to promote a culture of high expectations for all students. CTM Online students set examples of excellence for their classmates, excel on AP exams, gain admission to top universities and scholarships.
To register, students need recommendations from their school director to confirm they have the talent, aptitude, determination, and English language skills to successfully complete CTM Online courses.
What your school needs to do to take part in CTM Online?
- Introduce CTM Online to teachers, students and parents;
- Designate a CTM Online school coordinator;
- Register your school with CTM by e-mail;
- Meet with students and parents interested in CTM Online;
- Establish qualifying criteria (e.g., performance, English, character, interest, etc.) and nominate students;
- Send us e-mail with a list of students recommended for CTM Online courses;
- Subsequently, students fill out an online application in the CTM Online registration system.
We would be happy to schedule a CTM Information Day for your school or help in any way needed.
Online with School Teachers in Charge
CTM offers to schools Literature, Literacy and Critical Thinking for High School Students, an online course for students with advanced English skills. The course can be incorporated directly into teaching. CTM trains the school teachers. The course is focused on the development of critical thinking, reading comprehension, interdisciplinary contexts and development of advanced English language skills.
The course makes is possible to individualize teaching in a modern online format. CTM with school teachers can customize the course to fit the school specific needs - either as a study material for project weeks or for individual work.
Online with School Teachers in Charge
Literature, Literacy and Critical Thinking for High School Students
Teach online with CTM
Progressive Schools
CTM Online started in 2010 with three Czech (Gymnázium Jana Keplera, Gymnázium Nad Alejí and PORG) and two Slovak schools (C.S. Lewis and Škola pre mimoriadne nadané).
These days, dozens of schools participate in CTM Online. Join them!
CTM Partners Schools

More about CTM Online