Online Study
Why spend leisure time on study?
Why study your favourite subjects in English?
Why with CTM Online?
These might be questions that come to your mind. They make sense. CTM Online courses take real commitment of about 2 – 10 hours a week.
CTM Online is a system of individualized learning. Students can start at 11 years of age and gradually advance to one or more international AP exams.
How to imagine studying online? What are the differences compared to traditional school?
- CTM Online is an individual form of study.
- Instructors guide and provide support individually to each student.
- Students work at their own pace subject to a fixed schedule.
- Studied subjects go above and beyond standard school curricula.
- Learning for understanding rather than for tests.
- Thriving for excellence and having fun doing it.
- Teaching, learning and communicating in English.
Study what you enjoy
Choose from courses in natural science, mathematics, information technology, English, social sciences and personal development. Among most popular are AP courses covering areas typical for the first two years of college, a proven way to prepare for international AP exams.
With CTM Whenever and Wherever
Study at your own pace, whenever and wherever – just using a WIFI connection. Online study will dramatically improve your English. You will gain vocabulary and much more in the area of your interest.
All this with your personal instructor
Support by an experienced personal instructor is a huge benefit in studying with CTM Online. Students receive individualized support from their personal instructor including guidance, advice and, most importantly, constructive feedback for which there is often no time in traditional school. CTM instructors motivate, guide, mentor, evaluate learning progress of each and every student – the most effective way to learn for understanding.
CTM instructors undergo regular training sessions. CTM system is set for excellence of all involved – students and instructors. Instructors respond to queries from students within 48 hours. This is the CTM golden rule. In addition, CTM instructors communicate regularly with parents, especially for younger students. Parents receive regular progress reports.
Success in Subject Olympiads and Science Projects
CTM Online courses help our students be among the very best in Subject Olympiads and Science Projects. If you want to be the best, study with the best.