datum: 25.04.2024

Course code:


Course name:

Concepts of Engineering and Technology

Course length:

2 semestry


8 - 10


FLVS - Florida Virtual School Global


Each day, we are surrounded by technology and engineering projects. From our phones to the bridges we drive over, engineering and technology influence many parts of our lives. In Concepts of Engineering and Technology, you will learn more about engineering and technology careers and what skills and knowledge you’ll need to succeed in these fields. You’ll explore innovative and cutting-edge projects that are changing the world we live in and examine the design and prototype development process. Concepts of Engineering and Technology will also help you understand the emerging issues in this exciting career field.

Major Topics and Concepts

Unit 1: Development and Understanding of Engineering

Unit 2: Intro to Engineering: Making Problems into Ideas

Unit 3: From Sketches to Products

Unit 4: Civil Engineering

Unit 5: Introduction to Engineering: Mechanical Engineering

Unit 6: Intro to Engineering: Chemical Engineering

Unit 7: Introduction to Engineering: Biological Engineering

Unit 8: “Impossible” Engineering (IE)

„Víš vůbec co inženýři, ti skuteční, dělají? Jenom diplom z tebe inženýra neudělá. Musíš umět myslet, znát přírodní zákony a umět je aplikovat. Pochopit, co je podstatou problému a jak daný problém vyřešit. To je inženýrství - spojení vědy, techniky, potřeb lidí a společnosti dohromady.“

Jedna věc je objevit novou technologii jako třeba autonomní vozidlo. Začlenit tato vozidla do běžného provozu, to už je ale něco úplně jiného. Vědec vám přesně do detailu vysvětlí, jak co funguje, inženýr vám to „postaví“.

Kurz Concept of engineering and technology  poskytuje vhled do světa praktické a praktikované vědy a techniky. Pojď s CTM do kurzu nahlédnout.

Course Structure

Major Topics and Concepts

Unit 1: Development and Understanding of Engineering

Unit 2: Intro to Engineering: Making Problems into Ideas

Unit 3: From Sketches to Products

Unit 4: Civil Engineering

Unit 5: Introduction to Engineering: Mechanical Engineering

Unit 6: Intro to Engineering: Chemical Engineering

Unit 7: Introduction to Engineering: Biological Engineering

Unit 8: “Impossible” Engineering (IE)

Course syllabus

Materials required

No additional materials required.


course fee: 508,- EUR / 12 390,- Kč

Student’s Experience

I have been having fun with the course so far, and acquired new skills and knowledge - not just in engineering, but even in things related to studying, such as my time management. One thing I appreciate the most are the unit podcasts - it is hard for me to focus only on reading and remembering, even when I am taking notes. Hearing the lectures and being able to review anything I need to while baking or doing chores is extremely helpful to me.
I greatly enjoy the course overall.

Anežka H., 2021

I really like the unit podcasts. They make the units more diverse, not just reading again and again. I am developing important skills for life, like time management and planning my work ahead.

Jan L., 2021

I find a lot of things very interesting, especially when it comes to the widespread of fields that engineering contains. Most of the things I learnt are new to me, which I naturally find very positive. I am content with my score, I feel like I have made some unnecessary mistakes and I hope to improve at least a bit in the coming units. I also find the information about possible career opportunities interesting. Overall, I find the course very fun and educative.

Jakub M., 2021

In the beginning of this course I was lost and didn't do really well. But then somehow I learned how to do this course and I started to get 100% from every single practise and I started to enjoying so much. I love lab questions I really like the Ted and I started watching them even outside the courses. I am very happy that I found these courses because of this course I want became an engineer. Only think I don't really like are the quizzes because I am always nervous about it and stuff but I know its really necessary.

Viktorie V., 2021